Sunday, September 9, 2007

Lorma goes to Seattle

I originally planned to go to New York alone. But, I'm glad I got to talk to Jazel who invited me to visit Seattle instead.
I arrived at 10:30 PM on Friday, Sept 2 at the Tacoma Airport where Jazel, Eric and Jansen picked me up. We went to Applebee's and had dinner with the rest of the gang. Nate and Torise notoriously asked me silly questions about guys, first dates, and even shampoos. We went home at almost midnight. I stayed at Jazel's place where we spent the night catching up on things. We slept at 4:00 AM. By 8:00 AM, we were ready for the day.
We first went to the City Center where Ianne works.From their office floor, 33rd floor, we could see the Seattle skyline where the Space Needle stood out. It was a great view.
Then, we went down the street to catch bus #33 to go to the Space Needle. We had to wait for 20 minutes to kill so we took goofy pictures around the area.
Finally, our bus arrived. I didn't realize that riding a bus could be a lot of fun. Our driver was sooo goofy that we didn't want to leave the bus if only I had more than a day to stay in Seattle. We finally made it to Space Needle. And it was a wonderful structure to behold. Jazel just kep on snapping my pictures while we were there.

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